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Thursday, 12 April 2012

Flowers on road verges

The verges of our roads are a riot of colour from all the small flowers growing there. In a sunny spot white flowers of common lawn daisy (Bellis perennis), push their way through dense foliage while red dead nettle looks on. Never far from it is the more common white dead nettle, and on the shadier sides of the road we can find bright yellow lesser celandine. Cuckoo pint or lords and ladies (Arum maculatum) are not yet in bloom, but some variegated varieties provide a splash of interest amongs banks of dog’s mercury (Mecurialis perennis) in shady areas. Dandelions provide a riot of yellow colour, and of course ladybirds can be found almost anywhere, even on stinging nettles!

Lawn daisies with red dead nettle

White dead nettle

Lesser celandine

Cuckoo pint or lords and ladies

Dog's mercury


A ladybird on stinging nettle