Friday, 10 August 2012
Another walk around the five bridges
This is the imposing gatepost at the entrance to the prep school, surrounded by branches of yew trees.
There is plenty of lesser burdock (Arctium minus) in bloom at the moment.
I am walking the bridges in the opposite direction to my usual way today, and the pathway leading down to the Deben is bordered by a field where the harvester has already been busy, leaving a lovely brown stubble.
The Deben basks in warm August sunshine.
The roots of some trees along the bank grow right into the water.
Willow herb grows along the banks, its flowering season slowly reaching an end as autumn approaches.
Lesser burdock provides a place for a spiral-shelled snail to anchor.
Amphibious bistort is widely found, and this terrestrial version of Persicaria amphibia provides a lovely splash of pink.
I suppose mating dumbledors are a common enough sight, but I had never seen them before. The female is about twice the size of the male, and more brightly coloured.
The village church and the prep school nestle across the field.
The Deben is flowing slowly at this dry time of year, and there is a profusion of vegetation growing in the water.
Along the climb up from the banks of the river the avenue of lime trees provides some welcome shade.
In the hedgerows some blackberry bushes have almost finished flowering and their fruits have already started to appear. It's hard to believe that in a few weeks' time these will have ripened.
A colourful thistle.
Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea) looks very autumnal with an early show of red.