One of the joys of an English summer garden are its roses, and we have quite a few in ours. One of my favourites is Iceberg, both climing and bush. Here is the climbing version.
Another climber is Handel, looking lovely against an east-facing wall.
Next to Handel is Schoolgirl.
A beautiful hybrid tea with a delicious old fashioned red-rose smell is Mr Lincoln.
Peace should find a place in any garden.
Quite similar to Peace at first glance is Arthur Bell.
Queen Elizabeth is an old favourite.
Anna Livia is a lovely floribunda.
Another great floribunda with lovely scent and beautifully formed flowers is Korresia.
Bonica produces masses of pink flowers, and if you don't prune off the dead heads you will have a profusion of red hips through the winter.
Golden Wings is a beautiful single yellow.
Many Happy Returns is one of my favourite pink floribundas, with a low-growing habit.
Penelope produces a profusion of apricot pink flowers.
Finally, I have no idea of the name of this lovely rose which is a floribunda with old fashioned scent.