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Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Mutton Lane

Mutton Lane leads the fields neighbouring the village, and this site on the edge is about to be re-developed into housing, some of which will be, to use the current government jargon, "affordable".

Wheat is ripening in the bright, warm sunshine.

Young oak trees provide some welcome shade along the way.

Great willowherb (Epilobium hirsutum) is now in full bloom, looking particularly impressive in closely packed clumps on the edges of the fields.

Creeping cow vetch (Vicia cracca) provides colour along the edges of the road.

Another common roadside flower is the bright yellow meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis), growing in big tangled masses.

Flowers of yarrow (Achillea millefolium) often start off a delicate pink and then fade to white.

Heading back to the village provides a different perspective.

A seedhead of meadow salsify (Tragopogon pratensis) already partly dispersed using its impressive parachutes.

Also producing wind-carried seeds is the common knapweed (Centaurea nigra), here seen with flowers and mature seed heads on the same plant.

In amongst the roadside flowers delicate fronds of hoary plantain (Plantago media) are not uncommon.

Brambles are now blooming, giving promise of blackberry-picking later in the season.

Back into the village.

The leaves of this magnificent lime tree appear almost translucent as they glisten in the summer sun against a cloudless sky.